Web Cite

Note app for citing from web pages.



A real-time note taking app with advanced features, built using React and TypeScript with a backend powered by Supabase.


  • CRUD operations with real-time updates
  • Built-in authentication with Postgres RLS configuration
  • Modern magic link style for easy login
  • Easy note saving on modal close
  • Grid display for neat organization
  • Card tilt effect on hover for visual aesthetics
  • Navigation to specific note with browser refresh immunity
  • Future integration with browser extension for easier text citation from web pages

Technical Stack

  • React & TypeScript for frontend
  • Supabase for backend with built-in authentication and Postgres RLS configuration


The main objective of this project is to learn and explore Supabase while building a useful and visually appealing note-taking app with advanced features.


Check out the demo of Web-Cite here.